Study Visa in Singapore

Singapore, widely known among its multicultural and multinational residents as the Little Red Dot, has made its mark on the world with many top accolades.

There are countless reasons to love this garden city, from its well-structured urban planning, to its fast-paced economic development, and its status as one of the safest countries in the world.

Education has played a key role in the rise of this tiny island nation, and the Government of Singapore continues to place a great emphasis on it. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Singapore’s universities are among some of the most highly ranked and well-regarded in the world. One of its most well-known is the National University of Singapore (NUS), which has been consistently ranked among the top three universities in Asia since 2013

Employment Opportunity:

Singapore gained its independence in 1965 and since then has flourished and grown into an economic powerhouse. Today, it is a leading industrial centre for aerospace, precision engineering, information technology, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, the creative industry, and professional services.

Many multinational companies have set up their Asian headquarters and global research and development laboratories in Singapore. Some notable examples include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and, more recently, Dyson and Tencent.

Singapore’s connectivity and influence in the region, its integration of both eastern and western cultures and its welcoming stance towards foreign investment has made it an important business hub in Asia.

Students at NUS can leverage this and enjoy access to international networks and industries, with various channels to connect with leading industry players. Many courses at NUS offer students practical industry projects or internship opportunities, opening up even more exciting career opportunities.

Aspiring change leaders and entrepreneurs will also appreciate the fact that the university has formed collaborations and strategic partnerships with key industry players (as well as government agencies) to establish advanced research laboratories, innovation incubation programmes, as well as the entrepreneurial hub known as BLOCK71

A multicultural society

Singapore is a multi-cultural society where people are respectful of different religions, races, and cultures. There are four official languages in Singapore – English (the predominant language used in schools and the workplace), Chinese, Malay and Tamil.

Such diversity has enabled Singapore to attract international students from many places around the world. International students in Singapore thrive in this environment, experiencing a mix of multi-ethnic cultures while still being able to rely on English as the medium of communication in their daily lives.

There are many similarities between the lifestyle in Singapore and other parts of the world, so much so that familiarizing oneself with everyday life is likely to be a walk in the park. That said, international students may still find something uniquely Singaporean around each corner.

Dedicated Team

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Great Support

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Government Certified

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