Study Visa in Poland

Poland is a dynamic country full of opportunities for people seeking to pursue education. It’s a country where you meet the quality of life and an organized education system. When it comes to study in Poland for Indian students, Poland has to offer a variety of courses and several specialized universities such as medical, agricultural, technical and music and fine arts.


The important thing about Poland education is the quality of the education process is evaluated in frequent time intervals. Poland is currently making efforts to improve connections between business and science to assist graduates in their future.

Below mentioned are the advantages of studying in Poland:

Application Procedure:

There are two ways to apply for admission in Poland:

1) Submit an online application

2) Send an email application

Study Cost in Poland:

The cost of Poland’s education lies between €2400 and €3000 for undergraduate courses and €2800 and €4000 for post-graduate courses. The living costs are approximately €3200–4000 per year. This covers all the living expenses, including food, accommodation, travel, and daily needs

Please note that the cost of Poland education for Indians may vary as per the changes in exchange rate. Even though the rates are changing, the study in Poland cost remains less than many other countries.

Student Visa Type:

The cost of Poland’s education lies between €2400 and €3000 for undergraduate courses and €2800 and €4000 for post-graduate courses. The living costs are approximately €3200–4000 per year. This covers all the living expenses, including food, accommodation, travel, and daily needs

However, if you only have an equivalent qualification from your home country, you will need to have it legally recognized at one of the Polish diplomatic outposts or another appropriate institution. This means certifying that your diploma is in accordance with the law of the country in which it was issued. Then you will have to verify it with the Polish law. This process of granting recognition of a degree from a foreign university is called nostrification.

Additionally, if you wish to be accepted for postgraduate studies in Poland, you will need to present an undergraduate diploma from a Polish institution or an overseas equivalent. You must present nostrification of your foreign diploma to a Polish university by the end of the first term.

Studying in Poland without IELTS is possible. International students who wish to pursue higher education in Poland do not need to appear for IELTS if you have had high school education in the English language. Students just need to attend an interview through Skype communicator with a university admission officer. The final acceptance decision belongs to university authorities. However, there are a few universities that may ask for an IELTS or TOEFL score before admitting you

Employment Opportunity:

Poland offers many jobs in IT, telecommunication engineers, computer science, agriculture and civil engineers. There are possible opportunities in education, banking and finance too. Students can earn while studying by taking up part-time and weekend jobs. World’s known companies keep investing here, so that is why students really have bright future prospects here.

Dedicated Team

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Great Support

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Government Certified

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