Study Visa in New Zealand

New Zealand is one of the leading countries when it comes to pursue standard education with happening adventures and beautifulness all around. All the universities are world class, innovate and organized with quality infrastructure.

The universities are internationally recognized with outstanding teaching standards, practical learning and research facilities for the international students.

Study in New Zealand for Indian students has become easier with the universities providing multiple ranges of opportunities to develop career on a global level. Indian students seeking admissions in New Zealand can expect to achieve fruitful academic career.


The country has to offer an internationally recognized British education system that open up pathway to 45 countries. Job oriented courses in New Zealand universities are allowed in the streams like Engineering, IT Hospitality, Business and Management, Forestry, Veterinary science, Agriculture, Environment Science, , and Health care. New Zealand is a beautiful, safe, friendly, and multi-cultured with quality and flexible education system.

One great advantage to studying in New Zealand is the unique approach to education. Students are encouraged to think as an individual and find their own solutions, which is how many develop unique strengths and ideas whilst studying in the country.

Application Procedure:

Visa Application:

1) Online Application:

In case of requirement of other details, concerned authority will contact you.

Visa fees are NZ$310 which can be paid through debit or credit card in online application and bank cheque/draft or personal cheque in paper application. Average processing timeline is 47 days. However, it may vary from profile to profile.

Study Cost in New Zealand:

The cost of study in New Zealand is about NZ$22,000 to NZ$32,000 for study in New Zealand bachelors program and NZ$26,000 to NZ$37,000 for study in New Zealand masters and post graduate program. Study in New Zealand cost in Indian rupees may differ as per the exchange rate. But you can expect it to be between INR 10,00,000 to INR 17,00,000 for tuitions fees. Although expenses depend upon the course and college you choose study further.

The cost of living in New Zealand may differ as per your location; like in bigger cities, it is more expensive while in small town, the expenses will be low. However, you should expect your expenses between NZ$15,000 to NZ$27,000 per year.

If you will be studying in New Zealand for more than one year, you will be required to prove that you have at least $15,000 to support yourself for the first year. If you are studying for up to a year, you are required to prove that you have at least $1,250 for each month of study.

Student Visa Type:

If you will be staying in New Zealand for more than 3 months, you may need to apply for a student visa. Once you have your visa, you can stay in the country for up to four years and have permission to work up to 20 hours per week. You must be enrolled with an approved institution and have the money to pay for your course. You can either apply for your visa online or at your home country’s New Zealand embassy or consulate, but the application fee is 10% cheaper online.

Study in New Zealand requirements for visa is as follows:

Employment Opportunity:

International students in New Zealand are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week while during scheduled holidays, you can even work full time. The minimum wage is set at NZ $14.75. You may earn more as per your skills and work profile. Apart from reducing their financial burden, these work opportunities in New Zealand are a great way for international students to get acclimatized to NZ’s way of life, culture and get a first-hand experience of the job market.

If you are enrolled in a one-year academic program which is worth 120 credits or more, you can work during all the scheduled breaks. However, if it is a one-year full-time program but is worth less than 120 credits, you might be restricted to working only during the Christmas and New Year holiday breaks. Nevertheless, these are useful work opportunities that students can use to both earn money and get work experience.

There are large vacancies in professions like Agriculture and Forestry, Engineering, Business Management, Health and Social Services and Science which international students can take advantage of. These work opportunities in New Zealand make it a hot destination among students. As per the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand, international students can apply for jobs under the Skilled Migrant Category. This literally means that if you have the skills that are in short supply, you will be in great demand and can expect handsome salary.

The occupations which have skill shortage have been grouped under three heads:

If your course is one of the program covered in the lists, it will be easier for you to find a job. Also, it is a good idea to make lists of which are the most important industries and sectors, and where there are shortages. By doing so, you can prepare better for these jobs and increase your chances.

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