Study Visa in Australia

Australia, a country and a continent, is home to the third largest number of international students in the world after the United Kingdom and the United States of America. It has seven of the top 100 universities in the world. The most popular destinations for study in Australia include various universities in Australia, viz., the Australian National University, The University of New South Wales, The University of Melbourne, The University of Western Sydney, and Monash University.

Currently the third most popular destination, students choose to study in Australia for cultural diversity and safety reasons. Schools and employers around the world consider Australian degrees. Graduating from Australian universities is highly sought after. The standard of living in Australia is the highest in the world. Living expenses and tuition are considerably lower, compared to other countries


Australia, one of the fastest developing countries, has so much to offer like its friendly environment, clean air and water, excellent education system, high standard of living and so on that makes it has the most popular destination among international students.

Multiple courses are offered, so that students can study in Australia after higher secondary education or even after graduation. They can easily find the courses of their choice. It is easy to change qualification levels as well. Students are allowed to work for up to 20 hours per week while they are studying. The opportunity to work and study side by side is helpful to students.

There are many reasons behind why one should choose to study in Australia:

Application Procedure:

Once you receive CoE, you may apply for visa.

Visa Application:

After receiving COE, you may start visa procedure earliest 124 days before the start of your program date. For visa application, you are required to follow the steps given below:

Study Cost in Australia:

Average fees for Undergraduate and graduate students are about AU$30,000 and for master degree, it may range from AU$20,000 to AU$37,000.

Study in Australia cost mentioned above are not per year but it is generally calculated per unit and each unit falls under certain fee band. As the most students will be studying a combination of units from different bands, fees will be different for everybody.

In addition to this, students have to pay Student Service and Amenities fee of about AU$298 as per 2018.

living costs in Australia ca is around AU$20,000 per year or AU$311 per week. It may vary as per the place you live, as living in big cities may cost more.

Student Visa Type:

If you intend to study in Australia, you must apply for a student visa (which falls under subclass 500). You can be granted a student visa only if you wish to undertake a registered course or part of a registered course on a full-time basis. Please note that the course which you are applying should be registered with Commonwealth Register of Institutions and courses for Overseas for Overseas Students (CRICOS). Visa validity is 5 years (max.) depends on your coursework. A registered course is an education or training course offered by an Australian education provider who is registered with the Australian Government to offer courses to overseas students.

For student visa in Australia, you are required to fulfil the following details:

During the process of student visa, you are required to pay the Student Visa (Subclass 500) fee, which is currently stands at AU$575.

International students in Australia on a valid student visa can work for up to 20 hours per week while school is in session, and there is no limit on the number of hours an international student can work during recognized school vacations. A work week in Australia is considered to be Monday through the following Sunday. Although they are allowed to arrive in Australia up to 90 days before their course begins, students are not allowed to begin working until after their courses have begun.

Prior to April 26, 2008, students applying for a student visa to Australia were required to apply separately for permission to work. As of April 26, 2008, however, students are now able to receive permission to work along with their visa grant. This applies both to the student and any family members who may be travelling with the student under his or her visa. This saves students both time and money when applying for visas and work permission. The visa application fee in Australia is currently AU$535.

Under 485 Skilled Graduate Temporary Visa, the most common option available to international students after graduating allows a student to stay in Australia for 18 months to gain work experience only if you have just completed at least two years of study in Australia. Australia provides more such visas to work after graduate which may be explored as per the requirement

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